In my endeavour to innovate in Honey - the best Natural Elixir on Earth - team MHS has come out with TAKECARE LEMON HONEY🍋 🐝🐝🌸🐝🐝
'Sweet' with a twist of 'sour'

This summer,   why not welcome your guests with a glass of Lemon Honey drink..  Health bhi... Honey bhi...
Taste the tangy Lemon honey from MHS..and enjoy the benefits...

The unlimited benefits of MHS LEMON HONEY -

1. For skin
  🍋Beneficial for the skin as a toner..
   🍋Cleanses and purifies blood.
   🍋Boosts the antibacterial protection and collagen of your skin.      
   🍋Decrease wrinkles
   🍋Can actually be applied directly  to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance.

 2. For weight Loss
     Lemons being high in pectin
     fiber, and low in calories helps
     lose weight faster.

3. Aids digestion

5. Cleanses the intestines improving the absorption of nutrients

6. Boosts Your Immune System: Lemons are high in vitamin C

7. Cleans your urinary tract -For women who suffer from frequent UTI (urinary tract infection) specially in summer..

9. Promotes natural Healing

10. Freshens Breath

11. Hydrates Your Lymph System

And many more. ....
For best results,  just add 1 to 2 tablespoons in a glass of warm water and have it early morning !  Remain energetic and fresh for the day ahead!

" The Honey Specialist"
-Dr. Saifuddin Nagpurwala
Mufaddal Health Solutions (MHS), Chennai
Get in touch with any of ur nearest MHS dealer for the same.!!


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