Thanks my dear Honey Bees - WORLD BEE DAY 2020

So today on this World Bee Day, I thought of sharing this here and in a way thank the Bees who have been so instrumental in changing my life. 
Thanks to those hard working labours, farmers & night riders who sweat day & night to extract the pure nectar for us from the hives of bees, from the Mountains, the hills, the valleys, the dense forests and what not! 
 Today in this Viral Pandemic many have resorted to build their Immunity with Honey rather than worrying about the infection! The oldest & the most natural way to strenghthen the Immune System is - Pure Honey + Kalonji to start the day with.. 

It's 7 years now since I left my high paying job. When I look back, I see years and years of research, meetings with doctors, the various interactions with Health Specialists, the struggles of finding the best cures, and the joy of finding those cures. Working in teams, I have realised how essential it is to pool in resources.
For a product to expel kidney stones, I started studying Honey & the history of it, the various cures it has – its Only then I truly understood the science behind the Kalonji & Shehad magic bestowed upon us by none other than our Nabi SAW.
Thus the humble beginnings of Mufaddal Health Solutions, (MHS TakeCare) started - juggling between a full-time job and procuring and selling honey…& then finally having my own leased-in farms and harvesting with my own methods & Innovations & thus the concept of “Healing with Honey” took shape. Started with one & now 46 types!
What a challenge it was to convince the people about the “Wonders of Honey” and the purity of TakeCare Honey! What a hurdle it was to make people realize the value of waxy layer in the honey! What a major issue it was to make people understand that honey cannot be same everytime & it will change its colour & thickness! But the big brands & low quality processed brands had made people so used to their taste that hardly few knew the real taste of Pure Honey
Bigger brands advertise and get away with selling their low quality honeys at cheaper rates, and that too, without being doubted on purity. What bricks and bracks I faced! It was like the idiom in gujrati – “Lokhand na chana chabawa”.‍ 
HIS HOLINESS, AaliQadr Maula TUS showed the path & I just kept walking on it, leading to
“Medical Miracles with Honey”!
Thanks is a very very small word!! Indebted! Shukur! Ehsaan! 


  1. Dr.Saiffuddin bhai really u r doing great job...healing people with honey. And really u have worked very hard to come soo far...And always supporting all MHS dealers....

    Thank u .. Farida Rangoonwala Secunderbad dealer of MHS..proud to be a part of MHS.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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