The King of Spices- Cinnamon
The Queen of Nectars- TakeCare Honey
Comes together to Make" MHS TakeCare Cinnamon Honey" !!
Medicinal Benefits-
1. Antioxidant - Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols! Helps you fight with day to day pollution, & prevents from innumerable hazards!
2. Anti-inflammatory - It helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage.
3. Heart Nutrient - Reduces blood pressure & risk of heart diseases.
4. Cholesterol cutter- Increases the good cholesterol (HDL) by reducing the bad cholesterol ( LDL)
5. The antimicrobial effects of cinnamon helps prevent tooth decay and reduces bad breath!
6. Helps in indigestion, cures Stomach Ulcers, Bloating & gas. Also helps in stomach pains.
7. Reduces Insulin resistance, hence good for diabetics!
8. Increases immunity in Cancer patients.
9. Good for Hearing loss people!
These are the Navratna benefits... There are many unlisted uses of this amazing spice honey which will follow ....
Call for your order - 
Mufaddal Health Solutions
#honeytakecare - insta page
mhstakecarehoney - fb page
Dr. Saifuddin
conceive karwa waste plz aap kayu honey suggest karso mane?