Thanks my dear Honey Bees - WORLD BEE DAY 2020

So today on this World Bee Day, I thought of sharing this here and in a way thank the Bees who have been so instrumental in changing my life. Thanks to those hard working labours, farmers & night riders who sweat day & night to extract the pure nectar for us from the hives of bees, from the Mountains, the hills, the valleys, the dense forests and what not! Today in this Viral Pandemic many have resorted to build their Immunity with Honey rather than worrying about the infection! The oldest & the most natural way to strenghthen the Immune System is - Pure Honey + Kalonji to start the day with.. It's 7 years now since I left my high paying job. When I look back, I see years and years of research, meetings with doctors, the various interactions with Health Specialists, the struggles of finding the best cures, and the joy of finding those cures. Working in teams, I have realised how essential it is to pool in resources. For a product to ...