World Cancer Day & TAKECARE HONEY

CANCER - a deadly disease .. they know they are going to die if in Stage 4 .. but still there is a Hope that they can live a better quality life for their remaining days.. Lets make them strong ..lets make them lively ..Lets make their Will power strong.. Lets add this MHS TAKECARE Honey to their diet .. Take out any good authentic scientific study and you will find that many Doctors have found honey to be very useful in Cancer patients. Not only Indian but internationally also it has been widely studied. But which Honey to be used ? How much to be used ? Are the commonly available big & small brands enough to TakeCare of such a trivial disease ? Nature has given us tremendous gifts in the form of flowers & each has got its own speciality, its own usage for the humans.. Some of them have the ability to give Nectar to the Bees which then takes it along with pollens to make a real dark & sweet Anti- Cancerous Honey! I call it Anti- Cancerou...