The Divine Elixir of Life - TakeCare Honey MHS is trying to innovate in the types of Honey which can help people fight many diseases in a Natural & Safe way.. We have Honey for all walks of life ...!!! Having Cough & Cold persistently ? You drink some cold water or cool drink or an Ice-Cream & you get your throat sore ? You get allergic when you are in dusty place? Sleeping in AC blocks your Nose often? Fed of taking Anti-cold Tabs? And now you cant even take your favourite Vicks Action 500 , as it has been banned by Indian Govt! If you want to avoid those Anti-allergic tablets, just take a Sip of MHS-TAKECARE GINGER HONEY Many people have amazingly got benefitted with MHS- TAKECARE GINGER HONEY .. Businessmen sitting in the shops whole day and facing the dust allergy are happy after using this honey.. Those having cold drinks after meals have started taking Ginger honey at night time with a Glass of war...